Do you find yourself wanting custom furniture fast? That’s why we make sure our factory in-stock Quick Ship Program is available to you year-round.
Our Quick Ship Program exists so that your dealer can get you the products you want, as quickly as possible. When you use Quick Ship, your order will be shipped from the factory in five working days or less! Additionally, items available in this program include some of our top-selling aluminum products, fabrics, and frame finishes.
When placing an order for an item on Homecrest’s Quick Ship Program, just use the model number listed that begins with a “Q”. It’s easy and—most importantly—it’s also fast!
To learn more, CLICK HERE or don’t hesitate to consult your latest Homecrest catalog on page four.
Whether it’s a backyard patio or rooftop dining application, Homecrest has the perfect collections to suit your needs.
For homeowners seeking to furnish their outdoor space, visit our residential website to view current collections and find a dealer.
For contract and hospitality projects, visit our commercial website to see your options and find a contract sales representative.